Saturday, March 3, 2007

On Puppets

Puppets are strange aren't they? You saw puppets all the time as a child no doubt. They come in all shapes and sizes textures and colors. Most of all, puppets have such distinct attitudes and personalities. But lets face it, you sometimes get tired of their bullshit, don't you. They're just like anyone else, and you have limitations as expected. But is there more to puppets? More than we know now? Is there truth to puppets?

Is there a puppet god?
a puppet Sabbath?
have you seen their
Puppet tricks
Puppet laughter
Puppet bullshit
Puppet apathy

Dancing puppets
Cruel puppets
Talking puppets
Self-obsessed puppets
soup a la puppet
Puppet cream pie
Oh, Jiggle puppet jiggle

1 comment:

My name isn't Emily said...

puppet sabbath is nice...