Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What I Have Seen As An Editor

As an editor, I see work from freelance writers. Some of these people are just plain crazy. For example, I once read an activity that was designed for kinesthetic learners. The activity was supposed to get students to engage historical information from the mid-twentieth century. Anyway, the writer submits an activity in which students are to show the spirit of the McCarthy hearings through interpretive dance. Just think about that for a moment.

The following is a short story submitted to me by a freelance writer. I have re-titled it. The purpose for this story was to show examples of word choice. This one is especially memorable. You must read it to see why.

Engine: A Tale Told by a Car
Vroom! Vroom! My engine starts. I feel my tires screech out of the driveway and onto the highway. I see the open road ahead and push the pedal to the metal. With police on my tail, I do a U-turn at 100 mph.

I turn out of control like a daredevil. Man, look out! I slam into a police car and get a bruise. My driver feels like he’s sitting on top of the world! My lights are slammed to the point that they don’t work anymore.

Ahhhhh! Crash!! My driver is still alive in my poor beat-up body. I feel heat! Fire! BEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! Tires burst! Boooooooom!!! I explode! My driver is taken to the hospital. Everything around me is broken!!!

Now I have to go to a mechanic and get stitches! Man! I hate this.

Six months later I think I’m going to get a new owner. But no. It is the same one! Oh well, he has learned his lesson. My fellow cars will be amazed by how I survived! I am the magnificent car! I am the outstanding car! I have fame! Yes!


My name isn't Emily said...


AC said...

These are bonafide examples, ma'am.